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EAN : 9780300105773
480 pages
Yale University Press (01/01/2004)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
George Frederic Watts (1817–1904) was a titanic figure in nineteenth-century British art. The father of British Symbolism and portrait painter of his age, he forged a controversial career that spanned the reign of Queen Victoria. This book, the first in-depth biography of Watts, sheds new light on the pioneering spirit and breadth of mind of the artist.

Drawing on Watts’s abundant personal correspondence and diaries and an array of other contemporary ... >Voir plus

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35 kg d'espoir

Qui est le narrateur?

Anna Gavalda
Le grand père
la mère
le garçon, Grégoire

17 questions
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