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EAN : 9782280394963
384 pages
Harlequin (01/07/2018)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Le secret de Las Vegas, Katherine Garbera

Si certains sont heureux de retrouver leurs racines, pour Kinley c’est au contraire un véritable cauchemar. Que fait-elle ce matin à Cole’s Hill, face au troublant Nate Caruthers avec qui elle a partagé une nuit sans lendemain à Las Vegas? Pourquoi diable n’a-t-elle pas regardé le nom des futurs époux avant d’accepter d’organiser le mariage du frère de son amant d’une nuit ? Mais, surtout, peut-elle encore f... >Voir plus

Videos de Katherine Garbera (5) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Katherine Garbera
Want to learn more about the art of bookbinding? Author Katherine Garbera shares all her secrets in this tutorial! Plus, check out THE BOOKBINDER'S GUIDE TO LOVE today for more from this wonderful craft.
A witchy, witty, wickedly sexy romance about love, books, friendship and the unexpected connections that bind us together…
Bookbinding (verb): the art of creating something magical out of fabric, leather and paper.
As a lonely foster kid, Serafina Conte sought refuge in handmaking journals—and writing her wishes within their pages. Now, in the quirky new age store she shares with her two best friends, Sera's intentions have paid off. Her journals are in the spotlight—and rumored to manifest great things. Whether it's witchy skills, real magic or not, Sera's finally ready to be the leading lady of her life story. After the death of her mentor, all the loneliness and insecurity of her past returns. The only balm is the box of antique books he left to her. But Ford's suspicious brooding grandson, Wes, is ready to think the worst of her—and get his grandfather's books back! The first part doesn't bother her. The second? Forget it. It's clear he's seeking something more, an emotional connection no book can replace. So she offers a deal—work in her store for six weeks, and in return, she'll help him get closure by sharing memories of his late grandfather. When desire and vulnerability work their charms, Sera begins to wonder if the best stories aren't the ones you intend, but the ones that take you where you least expected…
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Quiz "Une jeunesse au temps de la Shoah ; Extraits d'une vie" Simone Veil

Quel est le nom de jeune fille de Simone ?

a) Veil
b) Jacob
c) Steinmetz

10 questions
2256 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Une jeunesse au temps de la Shoah : Extraits d'Une vie de Simone VeilCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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