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The history of men's magazines tome 2 sur 5
EAN : 9783822826256
459 pages
Taschen (18/11/2004)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you've ever experienced. Yes, that's right: you're about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men's magazines -- not sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men's hearts and other organs: the undraped female f... >Voir plus
Que lire après The history of men's magazines, tome 2 : Post-War to 1959Voir plus

Video de Dian Hanson (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Dian Hanson
Watch Dian Hanson introduce the Bizarre Life exhibition at TASCHEN Store Berlin.
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Quiz Voir plus

Coupe du monde de rugby : une bd à gagner !

Quel célèbre écrivain a écrit un livre intitulé Rugby Blues ?

Patrick Modiano
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10 questions
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Thèmes : rugby , sport , Coupe du mondeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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