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EAN : 9780349425221
400 pages
Piatkus Books (23/06/2020)
4.33/5   12 notes
Résumé :
Danika Brown knows what she wants: professional success, academic renown and an occasional roll in the hay to relive all that career-driven tension. But romance? Been there, done that, burned the T-shirt. So Dani asks the universe for the perfect friend-with-benefits...

When brooding security guard Zafir Ansari rescues her from a workplace fire drill gone wrong, it's an obvious sign: PhD student Dani and ex-rugby player Zaf are destined to sleep toget... >Voir plus
Que lire après Take a Hint, Dani BrownVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Moins réaliste et abordant de façon moins profonde plusieurs problématiques mentales ou relationnelles que le premier tome des Brown Sisters, Take a hint Dani Brown est cependant tout aussi réjouissant, drôle et pétillant que Get a life Chloe Brown.

Ce que j'aime vraiment fort chez Talia Hibbert, c'est son talent à faire de l'inclusif naturellement, sans chichis ni mièvrerie et qu'est ce qu'elle fait du bien ! Une comédie romantique qui renforce, ça devrait être un oxymore: et bien, pas là.

Autre chose: la pourtant si jeune Talia Hibbert écrit des scènes érotiques puissantes et efficaces. C'est si rare !

J'ai aimé Dani autant que Chloe et Zaf autant que Red, et mon petit coeur a battu la chamade à plusieurs reprises.

Décidément, quel talent !
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Citations et extraits (8) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
At the time, it was romance novels that reminded me. Since you’ve never read one, that probably sounds weird. But it’s all about emotion, Dan—the whole thing, the whole story, the whole point. Just book after book about people facing their issues head on, and handling it, and never, ever failing—at least, not for good. I felt like my world had already ended unhappily, but every book I read about someone who’d been through the worst and found happiness anyway seemed to say the opposite. Like my story didn’t need to be over if I didn’t want it to. Like, if I could just be strong enough to reclaim my emotions, and to work through them, maybe I’d be okay again. That’s kind of what inspired me to, er, keep going. To make good choices, even when feeling better seemed impossible.
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She also knew now, really knew, why romance meant so much to him—not just the books, but that search for his own happily ever after. She’d thought he was just sweet, loving, maybe a little old-fashioned, but now she realized he was... inspired. That he was one of those people, one of many, whose lives had been forever changed by someone else’s words. And that wasn’t something Dani treated lightly. She made her living out of words. She knew very well that they could be everything.
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The thing about mental health was, you couldn’t take a course of antibiotics and be magically healed. Some people’s brains just thought too much or felt too much or hurt too much, and you had to stay on top of that.
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The world wasn’t split into unhappy endings and happily ever afters. There were blessings everywhere and a thousand shades of joy all around him.
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Major or minor, if something keeps you human when pressure makes you feel like a volcano, hold on to that thing by whatever means necessary.
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Videos de Talia Hibbert (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Talia Hibbert
Harvard Book Store's virtual event series welcomes acclaimed romance authors TALIA HIBBERT, VANESSA RILEY, FARRAH ROCHON, and KENNEDY RYAN for a panel discussion about their work and their experience in the romance community, in (slightly belated) celebration of the second annual Bookstore Romance Day, which takes place Saturday, August 15. The panel will be moderated by CHRISTINA TUCKER, co-host of the podcast Unfriendly Black Hotties and frequent fourth chair on NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour.
autres livres classés : Santé mentaleVoir plus

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Ecrivain et malade

Marcel Proust écrivit les derniers volumes de La Recherche dans une chambre obscurcie, tapissée de liège, au milieu des fumigations. Il souffrait

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de rhumatismes

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