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Citations sur Le Fou et l'assassin - Intégrale, tome 3 (4)

I was never sure I understood what Regal's torture had donne to me. Part of me had died in that cell, both literally and figuratively. I was alive today. I'd never know if I'd lost more than what I had found.
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She grinned. ‘You never knew she’d carved your face for the ship, did you?’
Was honesty becoming a dangerous habit? What would Chade have thought? I allowed myself an embarrassed laugh and conceded, ‘Until a very short time ago, I did not.’
‘Oh, sweet Sa,’ Althea muttered, and Brashen brayed out the suppressed laugh that he could hold back no longer. I heard a soft exclamation behind me and turned to find that Alise had joined us.
‘Oh, the things our women do to us!’ Brashen exclaimed and came to clap me on the shoulder.
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‘Who is Lady Thyme?’ Lant asked.
For a moment, the silence held. Then both the Fool and I burst into laughter. I had almost recovered when the Fool gasped, ‘Your father.’ And we were both lost again to merriment. Lant was torn between confusion and offence.
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Ne fais jamais ce que tu ne peux défaire avant d'avoir réfléchi à ce que tu ne pourras plus faire une fois que tu l'auras fait.
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