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EAN : 9781842706176
160 pages
Andersen (02/08/2007)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Topher Hope is on the move again. When his devoted cat, Ka, leaves a computer message saying she has gone to
he follows her to a Romano-British settlement in AD 79. Ka is happy among the cat-adoring conquerors and their central heating! Topher, now a British boy, apprenticed to a Roman mosaic maker, has mixed loyalties. When the eagle, symbol of Roman power, disappears from the forum, threatening the fragile peace, Topher begins a desperate s... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Time-Travelling Cat and the Roman EagleVoir plus

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Un élève de trop

Dans quel collège Danny va-t-il rentrer en 6ème ?

Park House
All Saints

15 questions
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