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L.A. Ruthless tome 3 sur 4
EAN : 978B09W4B79H3
340 pages
Red House Press Ltd (03/06/2022)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Jackson Decker is everything I’ve ever wanted. Fierce. Loyal. Not to mention tall, tattooed and hotter than the earth’s core.

Too bad there are so many reasons why he’s off limits. He’s old enough to be my father, but even worse than that, he is the right-hand man of head of the Spanish Mafia, who just happens to be my dad. So that loyalty I admire in him so much is also the reason he will never look at me the way I want him to.

But whe... >Voir plus

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BOULE DE SUIF et l'hypocrisie des autres

Qui est l'auteur de cette nouvelle?

Honoré de Balzac
Victor Hugo
Guy de Maupassant
Gustave Flaubert

26 questions
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