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EAN : 9781781087947
352 pages
Solaris (20/10/2020)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Gyen Jebi isn’t a fighter, or a subversive. They just want to paint.

One day they’re jobless and desperate; the next, Jebi finds themself recruited by the Ministry of Armor to paint the mystical sigils that animate the occupying government’s automaton soldiers.

But when Jebi discovers the depths of the Razanei government’s horrifying crimes—and the awful source of the magical pigments they use—they find they can no longer stay out of po... >Voir plus
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Les plus grands classiques de la science-fiction

Qui a écrit 1984

George Orwell
Aldous Huxley
H.G. Wells
Pierre Boulle

10 questions
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