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44 pages
Auto édition (26/10/2022)

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Résumé :
Samhain was the biggest festival of the year. It was the time that the veil between our world and the otherworld thinned, meaning any manner of spirits could come through and wreak havoc. Not that I had anything to worry about with a dragon at my side. This year the festival would be the perfect excuse to snuggle up with my partner and enjoy Fall in full swing. Or at least it would have been, if I could find him.

This is a short story set in the Mead ... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Kimberly Lemming
Scenes may be long or short, but in most cases, a story and its characters have changed in some way by the end of each one. On this panel, authors discuss how to structure several different kinds of scenes, from fight scenes to sex scenes.
Featuring Heather Fawcett, Georgia Summers, Kimberly Lemming, and Alexander Darwin
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David Eddings ou J.R.R. Tolkien

Bilbo le Hobbit ?

David Eddings
J.R.R. Tolkien

10 questions
14 lecteurs ont répondu
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