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EAN : 9781421413518
240 pages
Johns Hopkins University Press (01/08/2014)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Since 2008 scientists have conducted experiments in a hyperenergized, 17-mile supercollider beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (or what scientists call "the LHC") is one of the wonders of the modern world—a highly sophisticated scientific instrument designed to recreate in miniature the conditions of the universe as they existed in the microseconds following the big bang. Among many notable LHC discoveries, one led to the 2013 No... >Voir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Pas de sciences sans savoir (quiz complètement loufoque)

Présent - 1ère personne du pluriel :

Nous savons.
Nous savonnons (surtout à Marseille).

10 questions
414 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : science , savoir , conjugaison , humourCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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