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EAN : 9789822130027
399 pages
Vava'u Press (01/11/1991)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
William Mariner's story is a classic true adventure of the South Seas.

The boy Mariner was a clerk abroad the English private ship of war, the Port au Prince that ventured into the South Pacific nearly two centuries ago. He survived the massacre of the crew at Tonga's Ha'apai Islands in 1806 and became the adopted son of the warrior king Finau 'Ulukalala II, who gave Mariner a new name 'Toki Ukamea' or Iron Axe.

Mariner spent four year... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Au début du XIXème siècle, William Mariner s'embarque dans la marine marchande. Son bateau fait naufrage dans le Pacifique. Il est recueilli sur les îles Tonga, dont il apparend la langue et les coutumes, devient même le fils adoptif du roi. Au bout de cinq années, il parvient à embarquer sur un autre navire marchand, à revenir en Angleterre et publier ses mémoires, qui rencontreront un vif succès à leur sortie, tant cette région du monde était encore mal connue et son aventure exceptionnelle.
A l'heure actuelle, les Tonga sont toujours le seul royaume du Pacifique.
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Following day, some of the younger chiefs, who had contracted for the Fiji habits, proposed to kill the prisoners, lest they should make their escape, and then to roast and eat them. The proposal was readily agreed to, by some, because they liked this sort of diet, and by others because they wanted to try it, thinking it a manly and warlike habit.
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As attention to religious ceremonies forms an important feature in the character of the Tonga people, and as they consider that any neglect in this respect would amount to a crime, which the gods would punish with the most severe temporal inflictions, it becomes necessary to give a particular account of them.
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