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Citations sur Cages (13)

"Héhé... La peur de la liberté, Léo. Nous sommes tous des oiseaux enfermés dans une jolie cage. Parfois, on s'envole dans une autre cage un peu plus grande, mais on n'a jamais le courage d'abandonner complètement la captivité."
Commenter  J’apprécie          140
And all this pious misery in the name of your psychopathic God. You're all mad ! Waging bloody and tireless wars against everyone who doesn't share your fear of life, finding secret obsenities in any honest word while you try and drown your own obsene desires with defeaning prayers. Well, you've got your own way. You can go back to your hysterical Church and put sacks over your heads, and bind and gag each other. Put a cloth-peg on your dick and a cork up your ass, and offer your purity to that idiot God you've invented. But when you're righteously fingering each other in the choir loft, remember that I know. You may be able to keep your nasty little secrets from Him, but not from me.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
- I'm not interested in a Heaven that's so damn sure of itself.
- That's ridiculous. You mean you've been playing the game of life all these years, and now you can see the answers, and you're not going to have a look ? Even if it's just to see if you got them right ?
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
Oh my God. Oh my God, look at this. Oh my God. Me face looks like a blind-man's doodle.
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
Chapter 3
Drawing a blank

The Permanent White, whithout a fight,
let the brushes, such as they were,
rather dog-eared,
a bit of a sight,
mix and match the colors. "Right,"
said Michelangelo.
"What are you inside?"
And the paper replied,
"Sod off, you spick!
I'm white and perfect
I'm lightly textured,
I'm cumuli, ivory, Tuscany walls.
Intrinsically natural,
I'm equadrilateral.
If you're going to mark me
you'd better be worthy
can you really improve me?
Have you got the balls?"
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
Nothing's really added up.
I mean... it's not even been a a two-and-two-make-five sort of day, it's more like a two-and-two-make... fish... or something...
You know ? Not even close to making sense.
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
A moins qu'on me prouve le contraire, comment ne pas dire que c'était tout simplement le meilleur des mondes possibles.
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
- Un vieil homme sage à l'occasion mais généralement abscons m'a dit un jour qu'un tableau n'était jamais fini... qu'il s'arrête simplement à des endroits intéressants.
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
- une fois, elle s'est fait éjecter de chez le poissonnier pour s'être disputée avec un maquereau.
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
440 Hertz

Dans le monde entier le "LA" c'est la note que rassemble tous les hinstruments dans un concert

si on veut s'comprendre un jour.
il nous faut un "LA".

Commenter  J’apprécie          14

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