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EAN : 9780373745500
282 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2010)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
As a trained lawman, Shane Gibson was known for remaining calm, cool and professional, regardless of the situation. But when it came to the danger his best friend's widow and her little boy found themselves in, things became incredibly personal….
Angela Hawthorne's life hadn't exactly gone as planned, but Shane had been there for her even in her darkest days. This time, desperate to stay one step ahead of those threatening to harm her, Angela wasn't sure that... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Dans ce deuxième roman de la minisérie « Special Delivery Babies », les personnages sont attachants, l'intrigue est soutenue et les rebondissements nombreux. Bien que la fin soit prévisible (qui voudrait lire une histoire d'amour qui finit mal?), il est difficile de poser ce livre avant de l'avoir terminé.
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The whole idea of a pre-nup didn’t make sense to him. Maybe he was old fashioned, but he thought marriage should be about love and partnership and spending your life together. He supposed premarital agreements were prudent, like looking for the emergency exits when you got on a plane. Not that the escape route mattered if you were going down in flames.
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Not only was he driving home, but he wanted to keep his wits about him. Leaning back in his chair, he tried not to scowl. There was nothing like being the only sober person in the room to make sure you had a dandy time.
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“I got my daisies,” she said, “even though Neil wanted orchids.” That made sense. Orchids were hothouse flowers, expensive and delicate. Angela was a daisy person—cheerful and bright.
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Time and again, he’d said that he didn’t want her to crawl into the grave beside him. If he died, he wished for her to honor his memory by living life to the fullest.
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His jeans were tailored, and his fawn-colored leather vest had never been dirtied by an honest day’s work.
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