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EAN : 9781780332352
Constable (28/03/2013)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Nostalgic, witty and filled with characters and situations that people of all ages will recognise, Dear Lupin is the entire correspondence of a Father to his only son, spanning nearly 25 years. Roger Mortimer's sometimes hilarious, sometimes touching, always generous letters to his son are packed with anecdotes and sharp observations, with a unique analogy for each and every scrape Charlie Mortimer got himself into. The trials and tribulations of his youth and early... >Voir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
The retired headmaster of my preparatory school dies. My godfather, who once taught me there, confided to me, ´He used to beat boys naked.´ I said, ´Well, he never beat me naked.´ He replied, ´You were all right, you were family.´
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Have you considered the Church ? There is much to be said for the quiet life of a country curate. Fortunately in the Church of England an ordained priest is not committed to any but the vaguest beliefs
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