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EAN : 9780062094995
160 pages
greenwillow books (01/01/2013)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
With Amelia Bedelia, anything can happen !
Amelia Bedelia is going to get a puppy! When her parents ask her what kind of dog she'd like, Amelia Bedelia doesn't know what to say. There are hundreds of dogs in the world, maybe even millions! How will Amelia Bedelia ever find the perfect puppy ?
Look out ! Here comes Amelia Bedelia, and she's got one thing on her mind—DOGS !
Que lire après Amelia Bedelia UnleashedVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce roman fait partie de la série "Amelia Bedelia", petit bijou de la littérature jeunesse américaine. Herman S. Parish III, auteur actuel de la série, est le neveu de Peggy Parish, la créatrice d'Amelia Bedelia.

Conçu pour des jeunes lecteurs de 6 et 10 ans, ce roman fera également la joie de tout lecteur amoureux de la langue anglaise. Son humour intraduisible repose sur des jeux de mots; l'auteur jouant très habilement avec les homophones et les mots à double sens.
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Amelia Bedelia thought that if ever an animal were going to speak, it would be now. Pierre cocked his head and stared directly at them. His eyes said, "You've GOT to be kidding me. I trusted you to take care of me, and THIS happens. Woof!"
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"Thanks," said Diana. "I need to get home early. Tonight I'm going on my very first blind date." Amelia Bedelia didn't know what to say, so she asked a question. "Will you take his seeing-eye dog for a walk?"
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A long time ago, poodles were trained as hunting dogs. They were retrievers, and they splashed into ponds and through puddles. That's how they got their name.
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"Amelia Bedelia," said her dad. "Would you answer the door?"

"What was the question?" said Amelia Bedelia.
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