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Résumé :
The book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building small, simple game projects. It focuses on short, attainable goals so that the reader can finish something, instead of trying to create a complex RPG or open-world game that never sees the light of day. This book encourages readers hungry for knowledge. It does not go into gory detail about how every little knob and dial functions - that's what the software manual is for! Rather, this book is the fastest path... >Voir plus
Que lire après Unity 3D Game Development by ExampleVoir plus

autres livres classés : animationVoir plus

Lecteurs (1) Voir plus

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Le tutoiement dans Tintin

Dans quel album le capitaine Haddock tutoie-t-il (une fois) Tintin ?

Le lotus bleu
Le secret de la Licorne
Le temple du soleil
Les cigares du pharaon

1 questions
31 lecteurs ont répondu
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