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Peter Dennis (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781472820181
96 pages
Osprey (31/05/2018)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In 1519, the Conquistador Hernán Cortés landed on the mainland of the Americas. His quest to serve God, win gold, and achieve glory drove him into the heartland of what is now Mexico, where no European had ever set foot before. He marched towards to the majestic city of Tenochtitlan, floating like a jewel in the midst of Lake Texcoco.
This encounter brought together cultures that had hitherto evolved in complete isolation from each other - Catholic Spain and ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Tenochtitlan 1519–21 : Clash of CivilizationsVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
H.G. Wells was using science fiction to make a serious point. His saga plays out in a contemporary England invaded – and defeated – by the superior technology of an alien expeditionary force that arrived unheralded in a fleet of ships from a point of origin unimaginably distant. What ensues is a war of extermination; the interlopers are the vanguard of a colonial project intended to reshape our world in their image. Wells was trying to bring home to Victorian readers, the beneficiaries of imperialism, what life was like on the receiving end of that process.

The indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica needed no such literary
metaphor. They had been living that reality for generations, ever since their mightiest nation, the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, had been humbled by the superior technology of an alien expeditionary force that arrived unheralded in a fleet of ships from a point of origin unimaginably distant.
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