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EAN : 9780373745463
281 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2010)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Nick Blacksheep was an outsider to all : the police force, his community and the women he kept at arm's length. Experienced in modern warfare, the tall Navajo's imposing spirit recalled the intensity of his ancestors. His heart incapable of wounding, Nick was the fiercest protector beautiful Drew Simmons could have ever imagined-or desired. With contract killers on her tail, the small-town librarian needed a cop who was true to his word. Though Blacksheep promised t... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Beaucoup d'action dans ce roman où les « méchants » jouent au chat et à la souris avec la « victime » (Drew Simmons) et l'enquêteur lui servant de garde du corps. Même si l'issue de l'histoire d'amour entre les deux principaux personnages est assez prévisible, les nombreux rebondissements de l'intrigue tiennent en haleine.
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Citations et extraits (9) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
“Home shouldn’t be static. It should be an ever evolving place, tailored to fit changing needs. The heart of it should remain the same—a place of sanctuary that’s far more than wood and stucco. But home could be a tent, or even on wheels. What makes it home is that sense of place and feeling of peace the people inside give it.”
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“The CHINDI…it’s like an evil ghost?”
He considered it, then shook his head. “It’s more than that. It’s the evil in all of us that can’t join the Universal Good, so it remains earthbound. Traditionalist Navajos believe those spirits have nowhere to go, so they stick around and create problems for the living. (…)”
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“I always thought my father had made my mother’s life a hell on earth,” she whispered. “I saw Dad as a man who was married to his work—and Mom took the leftovers. But I was wrong about them. The truth is right there in those old photos. There’s a lot more to my mom and dad’s story than I ever realized.”
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“Navajo men are taught to enter a room before a woman does. I know Anglo men have the opposite custom—ladies first—but we look at it a little differently. If there’s danger, the man should be the one to face it, instead of sending the woman ahead as cannon fodder.”
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She was starting to suspect that, although he WANTED to be the type of man who only believed in what he could see and touch, there was another equally strong side of him that hoped there was more to life than that.
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