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The Last of the Jedi tome 10 sur 10
EAN : 9780439681438
160 pages
Scholastic (07/05/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
When Ferus Olin was a young Jedi apprentice, his rival was a headstrong student named Anakin Skywalker.

Now Ferus is older, trying to save the Jedi Order from extinction. His enemy, however, remains the same. Because Anakin Skywalker is now Darth Vader…and Darth Vader wants Ferus Olin destroyed.

This is their final encounter.

The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
Que lire après The Last of the Jedi, tome 10 : ReckoningVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une fin de série avec un étrange mélange de défauts et de qualités. Ici, il n'est plus question de monter une cellule de rébellion: Ferus a échoué.Ce qui se joue, c'est plutôt le destin de son âme: chutera-t-il, comme Anakin l'a fait, et deviendra-t-il un esclave du côté obscur, ou saura-t-il à temps reconnaître les dangers de l'holocron Sith?
Tout cet arc là est très bien fichu; mais la façon dont l'auteur règle le destin de Trever Flume est plutôt ridicule.
Une petite série sympa que les fans de Star Wars aimeront, mais pas au niveau, évidemment c'est pour les enfants, de certains romans de Zahn par exemple.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
He looked. A small arc of light, too faint for a star, a trajectory of speed.
An escape pood.
"Lune," Ferus breathed.
He fought the dying ship. He eased it into a current that was somehow stable. It was like a gift handed to him by his friends.
The Star Destroyer sailed through the debris cloud, heading off to escape the storm.
He had a moment of calm to consider. Two choices.
Follow the escape pod.
Follow Vader.
His anger was one path. Hope was another.
He choose.
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He heard the question as rythm in his blood. What would he do, how far would he go?
Could he have killed Flame?
Was this what happened to you, Anakin? Did you feel yourself splitting? Did the faces of those you cared about seem to be talking to you from a distance? Did you feel your anger growing, and did it feel good to have it grow? Did you think you were right....and they were standing in your way?
Did you hear a Sith's voice in your head and think it was yours?
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"One day you will have peace, Ferus." Obi-wan said. "Until then I'll give you the only thing I can give you."
Ferus opened his eyes. Obi-wan's gaze was gentle. Obi-wan had made it through his own despair. He knew the way. "What is that?"
He had expected gentle wisdom, or maybe a Jedi lesson. Instead, Obi-wan spoke in a brisk, practical voice.
"A job."
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