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Bibliographie de DJ Jamison   (8)Voir plus


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Nice. His new husband wanted to erase his existence. That wasn’t hard on the ego.
Chris slid off his ring, exhaling like a man freed from shackles. The flattery just didn’t stop with this guy.
“Now you,” Chris encouraged.
Ant tugged his ring, but it didn’t budge. “It’s too small. I’m stuck.”
“What?” Chris grabbed his hand and pulled on the ring, causing it to dig harder into his flesh.
“Ow, man, ease up!”
“We have to get it off!”
“Okay, I just need to get it slippery—”
Chris sucked Ant’s finger into his mouth, slathering his tongue around the metal of the ring. Ant’s words dried up on his tongue.
He stared, disbelieving, as Chris gave his finger a treatment that made his dick jealous. Ant pressed the heel of his right hand down on his hardening cock. Being naked made the effect Chris had on him glaringly obvious.
“Damn,” Ant said. “Maybe I should get a ring for my dick.”
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Ant shook his head. “Brunch first. Try to act normal. No one has to know. Divorce can wait for dessert.”
“Annulment,” Chris corrected. “Annulment makes it like it never happened, right? I want that one.”
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