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Bibliographie de Kaylee Grace   (1)Voir plus


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Chronic illness is all about finding that balancing point -- the point between too much physical activity that drains all your energy and exhausts you, and too little that makes you weak and atrophied, and the point between too much medicine that makes you too drowsy to function and too little that makes your day a torture chamber. It is easy to drift too far one way or the other.
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People usually do not think of pain and disability as teenage problems. (...) Yet pain and disability are more common among the teenage population than most people imagine.
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Chronic illness is not even so much about the worst possible days. Sure, there are days I faint. There are days I am in a lot of pain. But even good days are hard.
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Lecteurs de Kaylee Grace (1)Voir plus

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L'Étranger d'Albert Camus. Quiz pour les nuls! (Niveau: Facile)

Comment s'appelle-t-il le roman?

La vie de Camus
La vie de Meursault
Meursault, un étrange homme

6 questions
419 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'étranger de Albert CamusCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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