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4.31/5 (sur 8 notes)

Nationalité : Bulgarie
Né(e) à : Gabrovo , 1982
Biographie :

Miroslav Penkov est un jeune auteur bulgare.
Quand il avait quatre ans, sa famille déménage à Sofia, où il est diplômé de Première langue anglaise High School. Il a émigré en Amérique en 2001 et a complété un baccalauréat en psychologie, suivie d'une maîtrise en création littéraire à l'Université de l'Arkansas.
Ses histoires ont remporté le Prix de la Short Story BBC International 2012 et le Prix Eudora Welty. Il est actuellement rédacteur en chef de fiction pour la Literary Review américaine .

Source : Wikipedia
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
I had arrived on a bus from Sofia early that morning, a four-hour wobble east to the middle of nowhere. "You wait here," the driver had told me, "for the bus to Klisura. It comes around noon. A blue bus. With a big sign. To Klisura. Will you be able to read it?" He'd spoken to me the way people speak to foreigners, drunks, or dim-witted. I'd smiled and nodded and wondered which of the three he'd thought I was.
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"Beg all you want," he said. "For all I know, you have no grandfather. You certainly acted it for year."
"I was busy with school. Preoccupied. But I always made time to call you."
"My erections are more frequent than your calls."
What very useful information, I said.
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“You'll never live to be as old as me,", he said. "Whatever you think of doing, I've already done it. Wherever you think of going, I've already been and returned. And it was nothing special.”
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The bus arrived with great Bulgarian punctuality - an hour and twenty minutes late.
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Le comte de Monte Cristo

Où se déroule l'action au début du livre?

A Marseille
A Paris
En Espagne
A Toulon
A Nice

22 questions
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Thème : Le Comte de Monte-Cristo : Intégrale de Alexandre DumasCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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