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3.8/5 (sur 149 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) à : Londres , le 05/07/1949
Mort(e) à : Cornouailles , le 18/08/2021
Biographie :

Jill Murphy est auteure et illustratrice jeunesse.

Son expérience dans une école religieuse, Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, lui inspirera l’histoire d’Amandine Malabul (en anglais Mildred Hubble).

Elle a commencé à écrire les premières histoires d'Amandine alors qu'elle n'avait qu'une quinzaine d'années et son personnage est largement autobiographique.

À 24 ans, elle publiait "Amandine Malabul, sorcière maladroite" (The Worst Witch, 1974), premier titre de la série, qui connut un succès immédiat et allait lui permettre de se consacrer à l'écriture. En anglais, la série s’intitule "The Worst Witch", c’est à dire "la pire sorcière".

Presque par hasard, Jill Murphy est devenue l’illustratrice de ses histoires, en noir et blanc bien sûr, la couleur des sorcières.

Les albums d’Amandine Malabul sont désormais célèbres dans le monde entier et ont été réédités tout récemment.
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Au milieu du premier trimestre, les élèves recevaient chacune un chaton à qui elles devaient enseigner l'art de se tenir sur un balai. Le chat n'avait aucune utilité particulière, il était simplement là pour préserver la tradition. Dans certaines écoles de sorcellerie, on préfère distribuer des hiboux, au lieu de chatons, mais c'est là une simple affaire de goût.
Commenter  J’apprécie          240
'I wonder,' said Miss Cackle,'if there is any hope at all for you in this Academy. You take one pace forward then four paces backward; it's the same old story, Mildred, isn't it ? And the term only just begun.
Commenter  J’apprécie          160
She (Mildred) was one of those unfortunate people who seem to invite disaster wherever they go. Despite her efforts to be helpful and well-behaved, Mildred had an uncanny knack of appearing to be the cause of any trouble which was occulting, and it must be admitted that there were occasions (particularly when her rather wild imagination ran away with her) when she managed to turn some peaceful event into a scene of total chaos.
Commenter  J’apprécie          110
Perhaps being worst at everything is catching - you know, like measles.

( Peut-être qu'être la pire en tout est contagieux , tu sais, comme la rougeole.)
Commenter  J’apprécie          110
Magic broomsticks are very curious things. If they are owned by one person for a very long time (…), they develop a strange kind of intuition about their owners. In the same way that a dog will stand at the front door and wag its tail when its master is getting boot a bus at the end of the street, a broomstick can sometimes sense that its owner is nearby, and if the owner is in trouble, the sense is even more acute.
Commenter  J’apprécie          100
Everything I do just seems to go wrong, that's all. I don't mean to do it.
Commenter  J’apprécie          110
I do think tortoises probably are incredibly dim. They look as if they only have about one brain cell [...].
Commenter  J’apprécie          70
The most annoying thing about Ethel was her ability to convince you that she might, just this once, be truly sorry about whatever unpleasant thing she'd done recently and was actually going to make amends. Mildred fell for it every time.
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
'I have to hand it to you, Mily,' said Maud with a smile. 'Things are never boring when you're around ! I don't know why H.B. calls you the Worst Witch. I think she ought to create a special award just for you ! '
'You're unique ! ' laughed Enid. 'The one and only, never-to-be-repeated Mildred Hubble - always gets out of trouble, whatever it is ! '
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
Miss Granite seems to have had a personality transplant. All that easygoing stuff and now she's turned into Attila the Hun !
Commenter  J’apprécie          62

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