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EAN : 978B09NZ56LLP
359 pages
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
MM Fae Romance

I first saw the Folk when I was a little boy. When they started appearing in my garden, with their unnatural, cruel beauty and honeyed words and veiled taunts. I grew up with big green eyes watching me from the forest. Whispers from the trees. Shimmering skin darting between the bushes. Black creatures always lurking in the shadows.

While they were here, I thought nothing of them. It wasn’t until they were gone that I rea... >Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
It is definitely one of my favorite books I read this year !!! I had such a great time, I cried, I laughed, I was anxious!!!
I love love love Ash !! He's an amazing MMC (even if he's a little clueless at times hahaha)
And I was totally giggling and kicking my feet at his blooming relationship with Lonan
This was so awesome and I hope I'll love the rest of the trilogy as much !
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10 phrases incomplètes ... mais drôles 😂 🤣

Les tôles ondulées ...

c'est beau et mien
les grands rhums aident
où est le bec ?
Adam part !
les vaches aussi

10 questions
470 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : jeux de mots , humour , loufoque , maximesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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