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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale tome 2 sur 5

Aki (Autre)
EAN : 9781975350970
184 pages
Yen Press (17/01/2023)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Winter has arrived in the Kingdom of Highland, and Anne Halford, aspiring Silver Sugar Master, is struggling to make ends meet. Barely scraping by with her earnings, Anne is worrying about securing lodging for the upcoming holidays when she hears exciting news. The Duke of Philax will award an extraordinary amount of money to whoever makes the best sugar candy according to his wishes! Anne immediately jumps at the opportunity but finds herself competing against Jona... >Voir plus
Citations et extraits (13) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
He mumbled her name, as if checking to make sure she was safe. When he did, Anne whispered to herself.
“That’s the second time…”
Challe heard her.
“Second time for what?”
“You didn’t call me scarecrow, or you idiot, or blockhead. You called me Anne. You called me by my name. Just now was the second time.”
Challe’s eyes went wide at her words.
“You’re counting every time that I do something like that? Why?”
“I mean, it makes me happy when you call me by my name, so…”
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Anne stopped in her tracks. She glared back at them sternly. “I’m here because somebody totally trashed my reputation as a candy crafter in front of the whole world. So I answered the call from the Duke of Philax to clear my name.”
Then she declared, “If it’s a contest of true ability, I won’t lose.”
The men’s faces were bright red with anger, but at the same time, there was enormous anxiety in their eyes.
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Challe began to stride away, and as she was chasing after him, Anne realized something. There was no way that he was interested in seeing some paintings. He was simply accompanying her. The thought made her happy.
When she caught up to him, she look up at Challe and flashed him a smile.
Challe glanced down at Anne and said bluntly, “You’re making a dumb face.”
“I don’t care. I’m happy.”
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For the time being, Challe made up his mind to do his best to call Anne by her name.
“Challe,” Anne whispered, in a shaky voice. “I want you to stay with me. From now on, okay?”
Instead of answering, Challe embraced her even more tightly.
He still didn’t understand the reason why. But he was relieved to have her back.
Anne’s body was very warm. She felt soft and delicate in his arms.
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Finally, it was quiet, and Anne realized she had been pressed against Challe’s chest that whole time.
“Ah! Why am I—?!”
In her surprise, she struggled, trying to escape from Challe’s embrace. But Challe did not allow it. He held her even tighter. Anne seemed to sense that and stopped moving.
Her face turned red before his eyes. But he didn’t care; he kept on hugging her.
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