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EAN : 9781409145998
383 pages
Orion (05/06/2013)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Lake Como - beautiful, enchanting, romantic... For Floriana, it is the place where the love of her life is getting married to another woman. And she's been invited to the wedding. For Esme, it is where, over sixty years ago, she fell in love for the first time. So often she's wondered what happened to the man who stole her heart - and changed the course of her life. Adam is in danger of burying himself entirely in his work after his girlfriend left him. Could a trip... >Voir plus

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Prénoms de grands peintres : trouvez leurs noms ! (1)

Peintre à l'origine du mouvement impressionniste, mon prénom est Claude :


10 questions
165 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : cubisme , peintre , art , culture générale , Peinture française , impressionnisme , peinture italienneCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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