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Citations sur Naamah, tome 1 : Naamah's Kiss (3)

There were other stories, too. The story of how the army of Tiberium conquered Alba, bringing stone roads and foreign sicknesses, driving us into the wilderness. How the mighty magician Donnchadh took on the shape of the Maghuin Dhonn Herself and suffered himself to be taken into captivity and tormented for sport, until he tore loose the ties that bound him and slew the Tiberian Governor. Afterward, the disparate folk of Alba united and drove the Tiberians from their soil.
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It was some nights afterward that Oengus came for the first time; or at least the first time I remembered. It was his scent that awoke me, a hard, clean scent like fresh-chipped granite and pine, with a musky undertone. Lying in my snug nest of blankets in our cozy cave, I opened my eyes to see my mother rise and go to greet the shadowy figure beyond the threshold
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We are the folk of the Brown Bear and the oldest magic in Alba runs in our veins. Once, there were great magicians among us; men and women capable of seeing all the skeins of the future unwind in the great stone circles, capable of taking on the shape of the Maghuin Dhonn Herself.
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