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Critique de dianahincureads

If evil old witches sell tickets at the cinema (especially around Halloween), honest representations of women thriving in old age are still rare. It is easier to turn a blind eye, especially when young. Granted, being a young woman does not mean being absolved of sexism (obviously), but growing old complexifies matters. Marie Charrel analyses how old women are rendered invisible within our patriarchal Western society. When sexism and ageism join forces, the weight put on women's shoulders can become unbearable. Add yet another element to the mix, namely capitalism, and we got ourselves the perfect recipe for disaster. The quest to remain forever young is a profitable market. Creating a safe space outside all this nonsense is not an easy task for the vast majority of ageing women.

Concretely, how does this dual oppression (sexism and ageism) enhance the invisibility of women over 50? Marie Charrel shows us that the mechanisms used by the patriarchy are not always blatantly obvious, especially since we interiorise and perpetuate them ourselves very early on. In both the private and the public spheres, ageing women deal with a plethora of hostilities that can come in many forms, going as far as losing their financial freedom.

Starting from the first sedentary human settlements and going through history, Marie Charrel does not only focus on the present. She deconstructs many stereotypes along the way, putting forth historical and contemporary voices that defy(ed) the status quo. Mixing research with bits of interviews, this essay is very accessible. It is also optimistic. Together, we can destroy this invisibility cloak that suffocates our elders. We can also learn a thing or two from them, restoring the dialogue between generations.

This book is an ode to old women, a step further in my deconstruction.
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