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EAN : 9780312387655
528 pages
St Martin's press (03/11/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Over the past twenty years, Neil Gaiman has developed into the premier fantasist of his generation, achieving that rarest of combinations--unrivaled critical respect and extraordinary commercial success. From the landmark comic book series "The Sandman" to novels such as the "New York Times" bestselling "American Gods" and "Anansi Boys," from children's literature like "Coraline" to screenplays for such films as "Beowulf," Gaiman work has garnered him an enthusiasti... >Voir plus

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Les super-héros et super-héroïnes de comics

Eternel amoureux de Loïs Lane, il vient de Krypton :


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Thèmes : bande dessinée , super-héros , comicsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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