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Harper Collins (30/11/-1)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Christopher Hibbert's acclaimed biography of Queen Victoria is as impressive and authoritative as the great woman herself. In 1837 an eighteen-year-old girl, raised by a German mother, inherited the throne of the United Kingdom. She was to reign as queen - and later Empress of India - for almost sixty-four years, presiding over twenty prime ministers and a period of unprecedented social and political change. Her era became synonymous with moral rigidity and colonial... >Voir plus

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Philosophes au cinéma

Ce film réalisé par Derek Jarman en 1993 retrace la vie d'un philosophe autrichien né à Vienne en 1889 et mort à Cambridge en 1951. Quel est son nom?

Ludwig Wittgenstein
Stephen Zweig
Martin Heidegger

8 questions
160 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : philosophie , philosophes , sociologie , culture générale , cinema , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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