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EAN : 9780593085530
336 pages
New York : Putnam (06/04/2021)
3.25/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Can you find real love when you've always got your head in the clouds?

Maybell Parish has always been a dreamer and a hopeless romantic. But living in her own world has long been preferable to dealing with the disappointments of real life. So when Maybell inherits a charming house in the Smokies from her Great-Aunt Violet, she seizes the opportunity to make a fresh start.

Yet when she arrives, it seems her troubles have only just begu... >Voir plus
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I’ve only ever wanted to be liked, and I’ve only ever wanted to be liked by absolutely everybody I come in contact with, however temporarily and inconsequentially. It’s my most dominant and simultaneously weakening driving force, which leads to my toning down various wants and needs in order to make myself digestible, easy to get along with.
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The universe is chaos and coincidence. If it were operating with any intention, it would be cruelty.
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Autobiographies de l'enfance

C’est un roman autobiographique publié en 1894 par Jules Renard, qui raconte l'enfance et les déboires d'un garçon roux mal aimé.

Confession d’un enfant du siècle
La mare au diable
Poil de Carotte

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