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EAN : 9780593437261
352 pages
BERKLEY (01/03/2022)
3.76/5   17 notes
Résumé :
Bad luck has always followed Olivia Marshall... or maybe she's just the screw-up her family thinks she is. But when a "What are you wearing?" text from a random wrong number turns into the hottest, most entertaining—albeit anonymous—relationship of her life, she thinks things might be on the upswing...

Colin Beck has always considered Olivia his best friend's annoying little sister, but when she moves in with them after one of her worst runs of luck, ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Mr. Wrong NumberVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
She was the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning, the last thing before I fell asleep. I would blow off anything to be with her, because everything was brighter when Olivia was around.
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You aren’t a hot mess at all, Livvie. You’re just this… this… human tornado who is so alive, so filled with the energy of the moment, that there occasionally is a little collateral damage.
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Video de Lynn Painter (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Lynn Painter
Lynn Painter présente Better than the Movies, premier ouvrage publié sous la nouvelle marque Comet des Editions Larousse.
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Paris en poésie

Guillaume Apollinaire - "Le pont ..."

des Arts

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161 lecteurs ont répondu
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