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Citations sur The Polysyllabic Spree (2)

I don't want anyone writing in to point out that I spend too much money on books, many of which I will never read. I know that already. I certainly intend to read all of them, more or less. My intentions are good. Anyway, it's my money. And I'll bet you do it too.
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All the books we own, both read and unread, are the fullest expression of self we have at our disposal. ... But with each passing year, and with each whimsical purchase, our libraries become more and more able to articulate who we are, whether we read the books or not.
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    L'ÎLE DES ESCLAVES, de Marivaux

    PARTIE 1 : COMPRÉHENSION - Où se situe l'île des esclaves ?

    Au large de la Grèce
    Au large de l'Espagne
    Au large de l'Angleterre

    10 questions
    1303 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thème : L'Île des esclaves de Pierre de MarivauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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