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EAN : 9780593654521
224 pages
Viking (02/05/2023)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
On his 68th birthday, Kevin Kelly began to write down for his young adult children some things he had learned about life that he wished he had known earlier. To his surprise, Kelly had more to say than he thought, and kept adding to the advice over the years, compiling a life’s wisdom into these pages.

Kelly’s timeless advice covers an astonishing range, from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.... >Voir plus

Video de Kevin Kelly (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly | 12 Inevitable Tech Forces That Will Shape Our Future | SXSW Interactive 2016
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Lecteurs (7) Voir plus

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Acrostiche de saison 🐇 🐤

"Trois sœurcières", "Le cinquième éléphant", "Pieds d'argile". Britannique.

atwood (margaret)
uderzo (albert)
pratchett (terry)
süskind (patrick)
queffèlec (yann)
echenoz (jean)

7 questions
110 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : acrostiches , Fêtes religieuses , titres , écrivain , dessinateur , baba yagaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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