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EAN : SIE308297_180
Printed by Meriden Gravure Co (30/11/-1)
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Vidéo de Edward Lear
Now available! This visually stunning survey of birds, chronicling their scientific and popular appeal throughout the ages and around the world, showcases the remarkable diversity of species in the avian kingdom, from tiny hummingbirds to ostriches taller than humans, and icebound penguins to tropical macaws.
With its content curated alongside an international panel of ornithologists, art historians, wildlife photographers, conservationists, and curators, this extraordinary book includes illustrations and artwork of all styles, with works by a diverse and often surprising range of creators from many different backgrounds, including: John James Audubon; Robert Clark; Mark Dion; Charley Harper; Barbara Kruger; Edward Lear; Ustad Mansur; John Ruskin; Joel Sartore; Sarah Stone; and Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe.
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LNHI-28521: arts - les mouvements artistiques en peinture

A quel mouvement artistique du XXe siècle associe-t-on généralement les notions de 'monde moderne', 'civilisation urbaine', 'machines' et 'vitesse'?


10 questions
45 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : arts créatifs , arts décoratifs , peinture , Mouvements artistiquesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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