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Wayne Reynolds (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781841766454
64 pages
Osprey Publishing (UK) (20/03/2005)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The army of Charlemagne and his successors enabled the western Franks to recreate what contemporaries regarded as a 'reborn' western Roman empire. Frankish society was well prepared for war, with outstanding communications drawing together the disparate regions of a large empire. The role of mounted troops, the essential striking force of the Frankish army, is explored here. Alongside it was the impact that new technology, such as stirrups, had on warfare in this pe... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768–987Voir plus
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Charlemagne undoubtedly enjoyed a superiority in men and material over most of his foes. the earlt Carolingian state also used widespread massacre to terrorise its foes, especially against the non-Christian Saxons and Avars. The latter were virtually exterminated in what can only be described as wars of genocide.
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