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Ian Gray Kidd (Éditeur scientifique)
EAN : 9780521604413
432 pages
Cambridge University Press (04/03/1999)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Posidonius was a major intellectual figure of the Hellenistic world whose interests and contribution spread over the whole intellectual field: philosophy, history, the sciences. His writings are of interest not only to philosophers and classicists, but also to historians and history of science. His work survives only in fragments. The text of these fragments, collected and edited by L. Edelstein and I. G. Kidd, was published in 1972 (Vol. I The Fragments), with a se... >Voir plus

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Pas de sciences sans savoir (quiz complètement loufoque)

Présent - 1ère personne du pluriel :

Nous savons.
Nous savonnons (surtout à Marseille).

10 questions
414 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : science , savoir , conjugaison , humourCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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