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EAN : 9781449496470
240 pages
Andrews McMeel Publishing (05/02/2019)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
What are you hiding behind your smile? If those empty bottles that line the walls of your room could speak, what tales would they spill? So much of your truth is buried beneath the lies you tell yourself. There’s a need to scream to the moon; there’s this urge to go out into the darkness of the night to purge. There are so many stories living inside your soul, you just want the opportunity to tell them. And when you can’t find the will to express what lives within y... >Voir plus

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Le dernier jour d'un condamné

De quel genre relève ce roman ?

Une autobiographie
Une biographie
Un roman à thèse
Un journal intime

30 questions
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