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EAN : 9781250873309
336 pages
Griffin (19/09/2023)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A sapphic rivals to lovers rom com for fans of Ted Lasso and A League of Their Own, where two soccer teammates are at odds before falling in love as their team gears up for the World Cup.

Grace Henderson has been a star of the US Women's National Team for ten years, even though she's only 26. But when she's sidelined with an injury, a bold new upstart, Phoebe Matthews, takes her spot. 22-year-old Phoebe is everything Grace isn't--a gregarious jokester... >Voir plus

Video de Meryl Wilsner (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Meryl Wilsner
Looking for some fun Pride Month reads? Ruby Barrett, author of The Romance Recipe, is here to share what she thinks you should read this month and all year round!
About The Romance Recipe:
Amy Chambers: restaurant owner, micromanager, control freak.
Amy will do anything to revive her ailing restaurant, including hiring a former reality-show finalist with good connections and a lot to prove. But her hopes that Sophie's skills and celebrity status would bring her restaurant back from the brink of failure are beginning to wane…
Sophie Brunet: grump in the kitchen/sunshine in the streets, took thirty years to figure out she was queer.
Sophie just wants to cook. She doesn't want to constantly post on social media for her dead-in-the-water reality TV career, she doesn't want to deal with Amy's take-charge personality and she doesn't want to think about what her attraction to her boss might mean…
Then, an opportunity: a new foodie TV show might provide the exposure they need. An uneasy truce is fine for starters, but making their dreams come true means making some personal and painful sacrifices and soon, there's more than just the restaurant at stake.
In this video: The Game Changers miniseries by Rachel Reid:
The Unwritten Rules miniseries by KD Casey:
Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell:¤££¤37The Romance Recipe48¤££¤&rank=1
I'm So (Not) Over You by Kosoko Jackson
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun:
Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner
Fly With Me by Andie Burke
For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes:
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La nuit où les étoiles se sont éteintes

Pourquoi Finn déménage-t-il chez son oncle ?

Il déménage chez sa tante et pas son oncle
Son père veut sa garde
Il est orphelin
Sa famille d'accueil ne voulait plus de lui

10 questions
67 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : La nuit où les étoiles se sont éteintes de Nine GormanCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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