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Citations sur The devil in a forest (3)

She was a short girl, and like her father not so much stocky as fleshy. The plumpness that blurred the lines of her chin and throat and distracted attention from her really fine green eyes was her worst feature; the burning red hair that spilled down her back nearly to her waist, her best. Although Mark, at fourteen, was a head taller, she looked down on him intellectually from the towering superiority of eighteen additional months.
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“Wat.” Mark had decided the time had come to implement the plans he had been forming. “Wat, let me go back to the village. I can find out for you whether there really are two gangs of soldiers, and when I leave, I’ll get your bow and quiver from the inn and bring them to you.”
Before Wat could reply, Gil snorted, “That bantam-cock of a cobbler will have you at a rope’s end in no time.”
“Him?” Mark did his best to give his voice a manly note of contempt. “If I hint to the soldiers that he was doing something interesting while the rest of the village was at mass yesterday, he’ll kiss my hand.”
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When nights were warmer, he and Josellen often left their beds and met behind the inn to gossip or, more rarely, ride secretly on the chapel path, one behind the other on a horse some pilgrim was boarding at the inn stable. Sometimes, when it was very hot, they even made the long, frightening night walk through the forest to the river to swim, returning exhausted in spite of having rested panting on the riverbank before beginning the trip home.
Occasionally too, when he had been unsuccessful in finding a supper, he had lifted the kitchen latch and stolen apples and turnips from Josellen’s father’s bins, or found a pork bone or piece of gravy-soaked bread Josellen had left out for him. Tonight he decided to raid the inn even though he was not particularly hungry. There was an excitement in him that made the thought of an apple taken in the dark kitchen and gnawed on the way back to his pallet almost unbearably seductive. He could sense in anticipation the cold juice wetting his cheeks and plashing down his chin as he bit through the peel.
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