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3.72/5 (sur 9 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Jenni Fletcher est autrice de romance historique.

Née en Ecosse, elle vit actuellement dans le Yorkshire.

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Want to enjoy a romantic read that is completely FREE? Don't miss's online reads—serialized stories written by Harlequin authors, with new chapters are posted every week! Don't miss this new read from Kindle bestselling authorMichelle Willingham, The Viking's Redemption: Jorund Odellsson has journeyed to the kingdom of Maerr after his family were killed in a raid. There he intends to train with the fierce Sons of Sigurd to become the strongest of warriors. He must avenge his family's deaths. Nothing must stand in his way! But then he encounters an unexpected distraction in Kirsten Arensdottir… Kirsten longs for the skill to defend herself, and handsome, mysterious stranger Jorund is willing to teach her. When swordplay turns to heated kisses, Kirsten realizes what she wants more than anything is for this visitor to stay. But a sudden threat to Maerr itself could tear them apart… Find out more in Michelle Willingham's prequel to the Sons of Sigurd series—a Viking saga by Michelle Willingham, Harper St. George, Michelle Styles, Jenni Fletcher and Terri Brisbin. Learn more: *** Subscribe for more from Harlequin: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
'Caro says I’m only interested in bad women, but they’re only bad in history’s opinion. History is written by the victors and the victors were all men, ergo...' She spread her hands out. 'Any woman who breaks the rules is called bad.'
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Si un regard pouvait tuer, il serait déjà mort une bonne centaine de fois.
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