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Vidéos de Kim Edwards (1)
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videos15 février 2021
Despite the uncertainty surrounding back-to-school plans this year, one thing remains certain: we need our kids reading. This edWebinar will explore the specific ways teachers are utilizing digital reading programs to ensure every student stays connected to reading and to each other.

Schools are looking at returning with precautions, alternating schedules, blended/hybrid models, or fully online...which means that schools need a strategy that is flexible enough for any scenario, but rigorous enough to meet the expectations for teachers and students alike.

Watch as Megan Edwards from Kipp St. Louis of St. Louis, MS walks us through her plan to get reading for reading - no matter what happens next. Ms. Edwards is building a digital reading platform that delivers ebooks online and offline, creates a collaborative reading experience with annotations, reaction tools, and writing prompts. Most importantly, she's working to instil reading habits that can withstand the uncertainty so many schools are facing right now.

Learn more about Glose for Schools, Districts, and Classrooms at
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Où se situe le château du baron au début de l'histoire ?

En Normandie
En Angleterre
Aux Pays-Bas
En Westphalie

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