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Citations de Nisargadatta Maharaj (484)

Ne désirez pas, n'ayez pas peur, observez le présent tel qu'il est et quand il arrive, car vous n'êtes pas ce qui arrive, mais celui à qui ça arrive. Et au fond, vous n'êtes même pas l'observateur. Vous êtes la potentialité ultime dont la conscience qui embrasse tout est la manifestation et l'expression.
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Ce qui reste, une fois rejetée notre propre conscience, est la vérité.
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Q.: I was told to find a gnani so that I may learn from him the art of gnana and now I am told that the entire approach is false,that I cannot make out a gnani , nor can gnana be conquered by appropriate means. It is all so confusing!

M.:It is all due to your complete misunderstanding of reality. Your mind is steeped in the habits of evaluation and acquisition and will not admit that the incomparable and unobtainable are waiting timelessly within your heart for recognition.All you have to do is to abandon all memories and expectations.Juat keep yourself ready in utter nakedness and nothingness.
Q.: Who is to do the abandoning?

M.:God will do it. Just see the need of being abandoned. Don't resist, don't hold on to the person you take the gnani to be.Because you imagine yourself to be a person you take the gnani
to be a person too,only somewhat different, better informed and more powerful.You may say that he is eternally conscious and happy, but it is far from expressing the whole truth. Don't trust definitions and descriptions- they are grossly misleading.

Q.: Unless I am told what to do and how to do it , I feel lost.

M.: By all means do feel lost! As long as you feel competent and confident, reality is beyond your reach.Unless you accept inner adventure as a way of life , discovery will not come to you.

Q.: Be all ,know all,have all?

M.: Be nothing, know nothing,have nothing. This is the only life worth living, the only happiness worth having.

Q.I may admit that the goal is beyond my comprehension.Let me know the way at least.

M. You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself it will not be your own way and will take you nowhere.Earnestly live your truth as you have found it - act on the little you have understood It is earnestness that will take you through, not cleverness - your own or another's.

Q. I am afraid of mistakes.Si many things I tried - nothing came out of them.

M. You gave too little of yourself, you were merely curious, not earnest.

Q. I don't know any better.

M. At least that much you know. Knowing them to be superficial, give no value to your experiences, forget them as soon as they are over. Live a clean, selfless life, that is all.

Q. Is morality so important ?

M. Don't cheat, don't hurt - is it not important? Above all you need inner peace - which demands harmony between the inner and the outer . Do what you believe in and believe in what you do. All else is waste of energy and time.
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Simone Viel
Simone Veil
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