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EAN : 978B0BZ3R2Y81
348 pages

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Lorelei Romano thought junior year would be spent living with her best friend, having the best season of her life on the girls’ soccer team and enjoying time with her boyfriend. Instead, she was suddenly single and stuck living with her brother in the football house across the hall from the grumpiest football player on campus. The tight end might be easy on the eyes with his tree-trunk thighs and gorgeous thick hair, but the guy hates her on sight.

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Pars vite et reviens tard, Fred Vargas,2002

Comment s'appelle l'enquêteur et personnage principale de l'histoire ?

Hercule Poirot
Théo Vautrin
Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg
Azziz Bouzelouf

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