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The Dark Star tome 2 sur 2
EAN : 9780735220218
672 pages
Penguin Publishing Group (14/02/2023)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In Black Leopard, Red Wolf, Sogolon the Moon Witch proved a worthy adversary to Tracker as they clashed across a mythical African landscape in search of a mysterious boy who disappeared. In Moon Witch, Spider King, Sogolon takes center stage and gives her own account of what happened to the boy, and how she plotted and fought, triumphed and failed as she looked for him. It’s also the story of a century-long feud—seen through the eyes of a 177-year-old witch—that Sog... >Voir plus
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Author Marlon James talks about how winning the Man Booker Prize changed his life, planning out the trilogy of Black Leopard, Red Wolf and asking George R.R. Martin to write a blurb for his book.
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Albert Camus est né .....

en Tunisie
en Algérie
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