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87 pages
Amok Publications (01/01/2007)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The concern about Kente designs and Adinkra symbols by the people and government of Ghana has been immense, this is even seen in the logo for the Ghana as fifty, where the Gye-Nyame symbols is used in zero for the fifty. Most events in Ghana where dignitaries comprises of government officials, chiefs & queen mother, expatriates, etc the dress code in normally Kente.
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Le pays Ashanti au Ghana est connu pour ses tissages remarquables sur des métiers à tisser étroits qui font des bandes de tissus de 12, 13 ou 14 cm de large, qui sont assemblées pour confectionner des vêtements ou des couvertures, un peu comme le kimono japonais. Mais la dextérité des artisans tient dans le mélange des couleurs et la création de formes géométriques. Les motifs traditionnels sont maintenant imprimés sur des tissus en coton parfois même en Chine.
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The Kente weaving process was discovered by two brothers, who were hunters and hail from Bonwire in the Ejisu / Juaben District of Ashanti Region of Ghana.

They are KRUAGU and AMEYAW. These two hunters went to the bush and saw a spider making its web. They took their time to study how the spider was using its eight fingers/legs in turning and twisting this self produced silky thread in weaving the web.
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