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EAN : 9798364776846
151 pages
Auto édition (20/11/2022)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
When a serial killer attacks the young teenage girls of Northwood, it is up to Anastasia, the new sheriff, to find the assassin.

Caught in the middle of a long and difficult case, she soon finds herself having to suspect even her two closest friends, all the while slowly yet dangerously becoming more drawn to the new girl in town, Natalie, who seems to keep a lot of secrets.

Very often, the truth hides behind tender smiles and gentle lo... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
I love this book. For me, it's a rather fascinating novel that stands out in particular for the complex relationship between the two main characters Anastasia and Natalie. The author has created an intriguing dynamic between the two women, whose relationship evolves over the course of the plot and which begins rather negatively with a titmouse between the two women. And even though the novel is a thriller focused on the investigation that will lead to the serial killer who strays into the fictional town of Northwood, the romance between Anastasia and Natalie adds a touch of emotion and vulnerability that gives the book additional depth, although it is obvious that this romance is not the central object of the story. What is interesting is that K. Bellmann approaches the subject of homosexuality with sensitivity and respect, offering a positive and authentic representation through several lesbian and bisexual characters. And, I have to say that the ending kinda took me off guard, with the revelation of who the killer is…
With its well-crafted plot and mysterious and interesting romance, this book is a novel that, I'm sure, will appeal to both detective story lovers and readers looking for well-written LGBT characters and unconventional endings.
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