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Harper (01/04/2010)

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Résumé :
On a rain-swept Derbyshire moor, hounds from the local foxhunt find the body of a well-dressed man whose head has been crushed. Yet an anonymous caller reports the same body lying half a mile away.

Called in to investigate the discovery, detectives DS Diane Fry and DC Ben Cooper become entangled in the violent world of hunting and hunt saboteurs, horse theft and a little-known sector of the meat trade. As Fry follows a complex trail of her own to unra... >Voir plus
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Retrouvez le bon adjectif dans le titre - (6 - polars et thrillers )

Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


20 questions
2873 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature , thriller , romans policiers et polarsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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