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EAN : 9781854590855
308 pages
Nick Hern Books (01/01/1990)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Ten short plays by Caryl Churchill, written for stage, radio and TV, selected and introduced by the author.

This collection of short plays by one of our leading playwrights opens up a little-known aspect of her writing, and demonstrates her remarkable versatility and breadth of concern.

Included in the volume are:

Abortive (Radio 3, 1971)
The After-Dinner Joke (BBC TV, 1978)
The Hospital at the Time of the R... >Voir plus
Que lire après ShortsVoir plus

Videos de Caryl Churchill (3) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Caryl Churchill
The Plays of Caryl Churchill | The Dramaturgy of an Idea in 'Seven Jewish Children'
Playwright Caryl Churchill uses narrative arc and story structure to incredible effect in exploring the dramaturgy of an idea in two of her plays "Love and Information" and "Seven Jewish Children".
I (Tom Nicholas) analyse these this incredibly controversial and political piece of theatre using Orson Scott Wells' MICE quotient and Christopher Vogler's Writer's Journey in order to see what we might learn in how to write our own plays.
If you've enjoyed this video then please do check out the rest of my channel. I generally put out new videos every Tuesday and Friday discussing theatre and playwriting from the perspective of an aspirant and (some might say) emerging playwright, theatre maker and academic.
Thanks for watching!
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Ce conte philosophique de Voltaire, paru à Genève en 1759, s'intitule : "Candide ou --------"


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