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EAN : 9780753513385
256 pages
Virgin (01/01/2007)
1/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This book helps you discover the secrets behind hundreds of everyday enigmas. Why is there a light in your fridge but not in your freezer? Why do 24-hour shops bother having locks on their doors? Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? The answer is simple: economics. Economics doesn't just happen in classrooms or international banks. It is everywhere and influences everything we do and see, from the cinema screen to the streets. It can even explain some of life's mos... >Voir plus

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Livres et Films

Quel livre a inspiré le film "La piel que habito" de Pedro Almodovar ?

'Double peau'
'La mygale'
'La mue du serpent'
'Peau à peau'

10 questions
7121 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Cinéma et littérature , films , adaptation , littérature , cinemaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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